Misdemeanor Theft
Providing the Defense You Need
Misdemeanor Theft Charges in Texas
Experienced Counsel from a Hidalgo County Petty Theft Lawyer
As with most other states, Texas classifies its theft crimes by the value of the property that has been stolen. The total value for each charge classifies it as either a misdemeanor a felony theft charge, with the limit for misdemeanor thefts in Texas being placed at $1,500.
If you are facing a misdemeanor theft charge in Texas, you could be facing serious legal repercussions, making the assistance of a Hidalgo County criminal defense attorney extremely important. Attorney Rene A. Flores understands the seriousness of criminal charges in your life. He has an expansive array of legal experience, including serving as a Municipal Judge in the city of Palmview, which gives him a unique insight into the processes and arguments of prosecutors.
Call the Law Offices of Rene A. Flores today at (956) 606-3606 and receive a free phone consultation!
What Is Texas Misdemeanor Theft?
In the state of Texas, theft crimes where the value of the stolen property is less than $1,500 is considered to be a misdemeanor theft, with certain exceptions. Misdemeanor theft in Texas is classified as Class A, Class B, or Class C depending on the value of the stolen property.
Misdemeanor thefts in Texas are classified as:
Class C Misdemeanor Theft
- Theft is a Class C Misdemeanor if the property stolen is valued at less than $100 and carries a fine of no more than $500 and no jail time.
Class B Misdemeanor Theft
- In Texas a Class B Misdemeanor theft has occurred if the property stolen is valued at $50 or more but less than $500, the stolen property is valued at less than $100, and it's the defendant's second or more theft offense, or a driver's license or another identification card was stolen. This carries a fine of no more than $2,000 and a jail sentence of no more than 6 months.
Class A Misdemeanor Theft
- Property valued at $500 or more but less than $1,500 is a Class A misdemeanor and carries a fine of not more than $4,000 and up to one year in jail.
Some of the exceptions to these values include if the item stolen is firearm or certain livestock, which would automatically upgrade the punishment to a state jail felony. Those who are found guilty of a theft crime of any kind may also be required to pay both damages and restitution to their victim as well as a civil penalty of up to $1,000.
What is petty theft in texas?
Petty theft typically consists of taking property valued at less than $100, such as shoplifting. It can also include stealing something from someone, such as a cell phone or wallet. In Texas, petty theft is classified as a Class C misdemeanor and is punishable by a fine of up to $500. Penalties for petty theft may also involve community service or other punishments.
Petty theft can be charged in a variety of situations. Though petty theft may not sound very serious, it is important to remember that it is still a criminal offense that could result in serious consequences. An experienced Hidalgo county theft attorney can help you understand your legal rights and represent you in court if necessary.
Can You Go to Jail for Petty Theft?
Whether you can go to jail for petty theft, often referred to as a misdemeanor theft or shoplifting, depends on various factors, including the specific laws in your jurisdiction, the circumstances of the theft, your criminal history, and the value of the stolen items. Here are some general principles:
- Jurisdiction: Laws regarding theft and the penalties for petty theft vary from one jurisdiction to another. Different states, countries, and localities have their own statutes and sentencing guidelines.
- Value of Stolen Items: Many jurisdictions classify theft offenses based on the value of the stolen items. Petty theft typically involves low-value items. The threshold for what constitutes petty theft varies, but it is generally a relatively small amount. If the stolen items are worth less than the threshold, the offense is usually considered a misdemeanor.
- Criminal History: A person's criminal history can also impact the potential penalties for petty theft. If you have a prior criminal record, especially for theft-related offenses, it could result in harsher penalties, including the possibility of jail time.
- Circumstances: The circumstances surrounding the theft can influence the outcome. For example, if the theft involved violence or threats, it could be charged as a more serious crime. Additionally, repeat offenses may lead to more severe penalties.
- Local Policies: Local law enforcement and prosecutors may have policies that influence charging decisions. Some jurisdictions offer diversion programs or alternative sentencing options for first-time offenders to avoid jail time.
- Restitution: In many cases, a court may order the offender to pay restitution to the victim, in addition to any other penalties. This involves reimbursing the victim for the value of the stolen items or for damages incurred.
In many cases of petty theft, individuals are more likely to face fines, probation, community service, or diversion programs rather than jail time, especially if it is a first-time offense and the stolen items are of relatively low value. However, it's essential to consult with a legal professional in your jurisdiction to understand the specific laws and potential penalties related to petty theft cases in your area. If you are facing criminal charges contact our firm today.
Can petty theft charges be dropped in Texas?
In Texas, petty theft charges may be dropped in certain circumstances. The decision to drop charges rests with the prosecutor's office, and there are several factors they will consider before doing so.
- One common reason that petty theft charges might be dropped is if the evidence against the accused person is weak or insufficient. For example, if the prosecution is relying on eyewitness testimony that is contradicted by other evidence, they may choose to drop the case rather than risk losing in court.
- Another factor that may lead to charges being dropped is if the defendant agrees to participate in a diversion program, such as community service or counseling, in exchange for having the charges dismissed. These types of programs are often offered to first-time offenders or those accused of non-violent crimes like petty theft, as a way to avoid a criminal record.
It's worth noting, however, that the decision to drop charges is ultimately up to the prosecutor's office, and they may choose to pursue the case even if the evidence is weak or if the accused person is willing to participate in a diversion program. If you are facing petty theft charges in Texas, it's important to consult with a qualified criminal defense attorney to understand your legal options and develop a strategy for your defense.
Get assistance with your misdemeanor theft charges in Texas from the Law Offices of Rene A. Flores, contact us today by calling (956) 606-3606!
This man literally saved my life.
I could tell this man just simply wants to be the best of the best, that's why he is who he is.
- Carmen P. -
He is an extremely knowledgeable lawyer and has a very understanding Staff.
Since our first meeting, he told me there was hope and he was going to do everything he could to help me, even when others didn't give me a chance.
- Former Client -
I highly recommend this attorney.
Rene is the epitome of professionalism and a true advocate of the best interest of his clients.
- Juan G.
RenÉ A Flores
An attorney with a Glowing reputation
Client SatisfactionOur firm's #1 priority is that each and every client is satisfied with the representation we provided them.
Communication Every Step of the WayAttorney Rene A. Flores is there for you. He answers your calls, meets with you personally and guides you through every step of your case.
Unique ExperienceAttorney Flores grew up in the courthouse. From Deputy Clerk, to Assistant Court Coordinator, to City Prosecutor, he has committed himself to the judicial system and to fighting for what is right.
Community OrientedWhen you work with our firm, you're working with a team who is dedicated to serving the local community and giving back with public service.